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Workshop for teachers 2024

Date 29 Jun 2024

Workshop for teachers

“Trust is the most significant factor  in teacher – student relationship”

An interactive and impactful workshop to introduce effective teaching techniques was conducted  by Ms. Pallavi Sharma in Raja Ram Mohan Roy Academy on 29th June , 2024.She is an experienced Motivational Speaker, Personality Development Trainer and  Freelancer.  She talked about various teaching techniques to make teaching in classroom more interesting and effective.

During her session she defined IACP as Interest, attention, curiosity and passion for engaging students in the classroom.  She also emphasized on the autonomy and freedom of the students. She focused on Positive attitude in Negative situation , the acronym she used for this is PAIN and suggested that it is entirely upon the teacher to build up a bond between teacher and student and TRUST is the biggest factor for this relationship.  She emphasized on the technique of VARK as Visual, Auditory, Reading/ Writing, Kinesthetics to make teaching more conceptual.

She conducted many activities during her session. Teachers had fun doing such activity based learning .She also discussed the challenges faced by the teachers in the classroom and suggested many innovative ideas and strategies which can be applied in the classroom. Overall it was an interesting workshop. Workshop was attended by all the teachers including the officiating Principal , Ms. Bharti  Vishnoi with great interest and  well appreciated.


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