News Detail


Date 01 Oct 2022

This year Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated in our school on 1st October, 2022 in a special assembly to observe the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the ‘Father of Nation’ and Lal Bahadur Shastri, the third Prime Minister of India.

Mahatma Gandhi, lovingly known as ‘Bapu’ by all Indians is internationally acknowledged for his doctrine of ‘Non-violence’ and ‘Satyagraha’ that were the underlying principles of the struggle he launched for India’s freedom. However, Shastri ji was known for his firmness, simplicity and his slogan of ‘jai jawan, jai kisaan’.

To revere this day, a special speech, some anecdotes from Gandhi ji’s childhood, some Gandhian quotes, hindi poems, messages were presented by the students.

All paid their respects to Gandhi ji’s photograph decked with flowers.

It was concluded with a speech delivered by the Officiating Principal, Ma’am Vishnoi, and National Anthem being sung by all.

It was attended by the entire staff and all students in the school quandrangle.


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